Weight Loss and Management

     Weight Loss Running (Boost your Energy)
loose weight, pune, kothrud
Weight Loss running
If a lack of time has stood between you and weight loss goals, then running can help overcome that obstacle. Instead of taking the time to drive to and from the gym or a class, lace up your running shoes and walk out your door. Boom–you’re ready to warm-up and start running.
The less you have to stress about creating time to work out, the sooner you’ll start seeing progress in your goal to lose weight!

The goal of any weight-loss plan is to create a calorie deficit, which means you burn more calories than you take in. Only when you have created and sustained this deficit will your body stop using immediate energy supplies from excess calories and begin to tap into stored body fat. You can create this deficit by reducing your calorie intake or increasing your activity level — a combination of both is ideal.


loose weight, weight loss, anand pardeshi

Walking is the best form of ‘free’ physical exercise that burns calories and belly fat. It also helps preserve lean body muscle. Club it with a healthy diet plan and routine, you’ll start noticing an improvement in your body soon.
1.   Walking for only two hours a week was proven to reduce the risk of stroke by 30% .
2.  Strengthening your bones.  Physical activities like bicycling and walking lower the risk of hip fractures, so you won’t lose your mobility when you get older.
3.  Losing weight. According to the 2015 research, people who regularly took brisk walks are slimmer than those practicing other sports like running and swimming . In addition, walking lowers your blood sugar levels, which prevents development of diabetes. 
                     5 Weight-Loss Techniques

weight loss, anand pardeshi, anand pardeshi blogger

Weight Loss Techniques usually involve change, and change is difficult for most people. But it doesn’t have to be; change is only scary because it’s different. Our tips can help you set short-term and long-term goals, and stay committed to eating healthier foods.

weight loss, kothrud, pune

 Step #1.    Be Specific         

Step #2.   Set Short- and Long-Term Goals

Short-term goals are those you can expect to reach within a couple of weeks. They are stepping stones to your long-term goal. So, if your long-term goal is to lose 35 pounds, your short-term goal might be to lose 5 pounds in a month.
Other short-term goals that can help you reach your long-term weight-loss goals may include:
  • Buy healthy foods cookbooks
  • Build a collection of lower-calorie and lower-fat recipes from online sources
  • Take a healthy cooking class
  • Switch from caloric beverages to water at meals and throughout the day
  • Eat 3 vegetables every night with dinner

Aside from your long-term weight-loss goal, consider regularly cooking with ingredients that help reduce inflammation and pain, such as turmeric. In this case, your short-term goal is to start collecting recipes that incorporate these spices.

Step #3.     Stay Realistic

Don’t set yourself up for failure. That means—set goals that are realistic and achievable. For instance, if you normally eat a lot of convenience and fast foods, and your goal is to cook healthful dinners from scratch 5 nights a week, make sure your schedule allows for the extra time it may take to cook.

Be sure to factor in the time it takes to find recipes, make a shopping list, get all the ingredients you need during the week, and clean up after cooking. If that’s not realistic right now, set your goal for, say, 3 nights a week until your schedule lightens up or cooking from scratch becomes an established habit and therefore, easier to accomplish more often.

Step #4.     Establish Your “State of Mind”

Remember that weight-loss goals can also be behavior goals, or “state of mind” goals. These types of goals include:   Eat slower Pay more attention to the Nutrition Facts labels and ingredient lists on food products
Stop negative “self-talk,” such as telling yourself you’re fat or incapable of change
Change the direction in which you walk or drive to avoid food temptations
A behavioral change could include meditation classes to help alleviate stress, which in turn could help you eliminate stress-related behaviors such as eating junk food for comfort. It could also be staying abreast of new research that relates to diet, pain, and the connection between the two. And, of course, when it comes to weight control and overall health, any physical activity you can safely do, including walking, is much better than no exercise at all, can help boost your spirits, and could give you a little more leeway in your diet.

Step #5.    Stay Open-Minded

Keeping an open mind means being flexible—a key to successful change. It takes time to break old habits and make healthy changes permanent. Trying new things—even if they don’t involve diet or pain relief—can help you stay open-minded in general.
You may find it helpful, and even therapeutic to keep a journal and write about your journey toward weight-loss and healthier living. A journal can help you keep track of your goals, recognize your own eating patterns, explore your feelings from day to day, and look back at your successes when you need motivation in the future.


 Here are eight Ayurvedic tips that can  naturally and gently guide you toward holistic and healthy weight loss, without the use of chemicals, processed food, or extreme diets.

1.  Drink a large glass of warm water with organic lemon first thing in the morning. This boosts the entire digestive system and gives you a fresh start to your day.

2.   Exercising enough to break a sweat is suggested as a daily morning practice for healthy weight loss; 45 to 60 minutes is ideal, but even 30 will do. Find an activity that you can do for the rest of your life, or at least for the foreseeable future.

3.    Find five to 10—or more—minutes of peace and relaxation in the morning. Mind-body practices like yoga, meditation, and qigong elicit a relaxation response in the body. This helps to alleviate stress, one of the main causes of weight gain. It also puts us in a more present state of mind, allowing us to be better decision-makers as our day proceeds.

4. Eat three meals a day, with no snacking. Food is a fast-burning fuel, and when your body is given a constant fuel line, it forgets how to burn fat. Have breakfast, a medium-sized meal, between 7:30 and 9:00 am. Have lunch, your largest meal, between 11:00 am and 2:00 pm. Have dinner, your smallest meal, between 5:30 pm and 8:00 pm, when your digestion is weakest.

5. Eat with the season, and preferably the region. Through the long, hot days of summer, Mother Nature offers us fruits and fresh vegetables to keep us cool and energized. In the fall and winter, the bounty consists of root vegetables, stored nuts, seeds and fruits, heavier meats and cheeses, and stored grains to insulate us from the cold. In the damp days of spring, nature brings us berries, green leafy vegetables, and sprouts to cleanse us from the heavy and acidic winter diet. When we eat as much organic and local food as possible, and feast on seasonal, whole foods, our bodies naturally digest and assimilate nutrients.

6. Experience all six tastes. In Ayurveda, we recognize six tastes: sweet, sour, salty, pungent, bitter, and astringent. Be sure to incorporate all six tastes into your daily diet. Sweet, sour and salty tastes are anabolic, or building, in nature and need the pungent, bitter, and astringent tastes, which are catabolic, or burning in nature, to balance them out. Too many sweet, sour, and salty tastes, as seen in the Standard American Diet, can cause fast weight gain. Foods that are bitter, such as leafy greens; pungent, such as spicy chili peppers; and astringent, such as pomegranate seeds, offer healthy counterpoints to the building nature of the sweet, sour, and salty tastes.

7. Move a little after each meal. Going for short walks after each meal stimulates digestion. It’s most important to go for a walk after lunch, preferably 10 to 20 minutes at a moderate pace. If possible, lie on your left side after walking for 10 minutes to further aid in digestion.

8. Go to bed with the sun, and rise with the sun. Tapping into our natural circadian rhythms creates a major hormone-balancing effect. Anthropologically speaking, our ancestors had no reason to stay up late at night. They would have slowed down when the sun went down, and maybe sat around a fire or a candle for a while before calling it a day. The screens that we stare at late at night cause stimulation in the brain that keeps us awake and wired after our body naturally wants to slow down. Two hours before bed, start to limit your screen time. Go to bed before 10:00 pm, when we get our second wind. Obtaining a proper seven to nine hours of sleep a night gives the body time to reset for the next day, and helps maintain healthy levels of cortisol (a stress-response hormone that causes weight gain).
These eight steps can have profound effects on your life. However, it’s vitally important to meet yourself where you are, in order to maintain sanity and not create more stress. Decide if this plan is something you want to take on full throttle, or if just a piece or two could be incorporated into your routine at this time. It’s okay to begin with small steps. Slowly but surely, the wisdom of Ayurveda can help lead you toward stress-free, healthy weight loss.

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